", Jackie asks then begs Hyde to be her roller-disco partner in a competition. But, no. He also offers to drive Jackie home in the episode, an act of kindness very much in-character. She tries to make his favorite cookies, but shes a terrible baker. Jackie: Yeah, six months ago. Hyde is shocked to see her come down. He initially refuses, but she pouts adorably at him and says, "Pwease?" I was alone, and I thought I lost you." The first episode of the 8th and final season Bohemian Rhapsody teases the audience into thinking Jackie and Hyde might stay together. That 70s Show always played fast and loose with the timeline of things. The only other young couple on the show was Eric and Donna, and fans unanimously agree that they were pretty boring and had uninventive storylines. 6. I mean, thinking you wanted something from him. Hyde says, Jackie, if there was ever a game show called Make that Girl Cry, Id go on with you. They share a kiss afterward. Red allows Hyde to stay in the house once Donna tells him the truth about Jackie's pot. Fox "I will never forgive the writers of That '70s Show for Jackie and Hyde breaking up. He trusted her enough to reveal this information to her and he was probably expecting some kind of comfort in return. You know what? Hyde says, "Wanna hear something sick? You wanted to do the math.". Jackie wants Hyde to be "on the streets" so he'll have to rely on her and his "love for [her] will grow]. Hyde: No, were not Jackie. The dialogue that follows characterizes both Jackie and Hyde well. Down the Road Apiece continues with Jackie and Hyde claiming their connection was based on mutual secrecy and disgust, and this utterly contradicts and dismisses the truth of their relationship, as depicted throughout the earlier seasons. tells them they have a dress code. 8. Who did Kelso marry? Jackie's taste in men also changed when she fell for Hyde. Thus her birthday is in September 1961/2. Michael Kelso: Look, Hyde, I know you don't wanna tell Jackie that you're sorry, but there's gotta be some things that you did that you wish you hadn't done. Red says, Thanks for standing around saying, Ew, grease! Jackie is covered head-to-to in motor oil all day in Career Day, and she learned how to fix a car quickly. Jackie's kinda young. He even goes to far as to teach her an emotional-distancing technique of his, something he calls "Zen," so that she won't succumb to Laurie's taunts. Jackie invites Hyde to the mall, and he declines, saying he meant for her to get support from "friends like Donna or not me.". -Jackie loves attention and wants to be comforted and catered to when her dad is in trouble for bribery, yet when her mom abandons her, doesnt want anyone to know because its private and she doesnt need assistance from anyone? She sits on his lap, or they sit really close together. His voice and words become sympathetic, and he moves closer to Jackie in the car. You know, I should probably be more generous and considerate with you but I am what I am. He wants both revenge on Jackie and to break up with her for good. Hyde does everything he can -- outside of directly stating facts -- to get cheating Kelso caught by Jackie. in Psychology and a minor in Media Studies. He only fully realizes this after they have their first real kiss. RELATED: That '70s Show: 5 Reasons Why The Show Was Better Without Eric (& 5 Why It Was Worse), Hyde and Jackie were vastly different from each other and their relationship was full of friction and challenges, but they clearly cherished each others company. It also contradicts the episode "The Girl I Love" where she learned how to approach him when she wanted or needed something. So I still have a shot with you." And I'm sorry, but I want to be with her.". She both bought and brings him a new suit and packed a lunch for him. Hyde especially admitted many times that he despised Jackie and obviously believed himself to be a lot more evolved intellectually. Why didnt Jackie and Hyde end up together? Eric is determined to fight for their right to be together, until he sees Donna in her new school uniform. You are.". In fact, his response, No, were not, indicates he believes theyll be together for the long haul, as established in season 5 and confirmed in season 6. Hyde broods in misery, even going so far as to listen to country music. He doesnt seem to object to the idea of him and Jackie as a unit, just to the idea of him becoming a money-grubbing corporate zombie.. She helped him to spruce up his wardrobe and helped him find a steady job. He lies to spare her feelings. Steven Hyde: Yeah well, maybe with Jackie I was sort of impetuous and maybe a little rash. He suffers through it, though, for her sake. Michael Kelso: Well, somebody ought to make that clear. He shoves her away and says, "No! Jackie variously asks and orders Hyde to lie to her and say he doesn't think Brooke is hot, and he refuses to do it. ", Jackie isn't deterred by Hyde's rejection. Hyde offers Jackie a low-five for her burn of Eric. Hyde answers uncomfortably. Even if fans preferred Jackies relationship with Hyde over Kelso, theres no way that Netflix will bring back the disgraced actor after he was fired from The Ranch for multiple sexual assault allegations. Steven Hyde: [confused] That can't be what she said. Steven, why is it everything I love about you also grosses me out? In dialogue cut from the episode, Hyde says Jackie's on the rebound and that she doesn't really want him (source: Hyde says he's trying to help her and that she can do better than Kelso. Hydes face shows discomfort but he takes Jackies hand and leads her into the kitchen. Im dressed fine. But when he shows up at work, W.B. Hyde then confesses he wants to be with her. Later in the episode, Jackie fantasizes about getting Hyde back and swears shell do it. Jackie invites Hyde to go to Mr. Forman's Veteran's Day barbecue with her, but he rejects her. This spurs Hyde into action, and Hyde goes to the Pinciottis. Does Hyde ever get back with Jackie? Privacy Policy. Hyde and Jackie laughed like that all night. Jackie and Kelso getting back together was also sweetly teased in season 8 before Kelso regrettably proposed to her and said, I love Jackie, and I know that someday were gonna be together, but just not yet., More:That '90s Show Already Betrayed Donna's Character. 3. Quit it! In Immigrant Song," Hyde thinks he's lost Jackie forever. She says, Who does Angie think she is anyway? He doesnt, though, and his behavior in future season 7 episodes is very contradictory. Jackie and Hyde were arguably the most popular couple in That '70s Show history. Hes very busy at Grooves, and hes only half paying attention to what shes saying. Still, the show clearly has the opportunity to improve upon where it went wrong with its season 8 character endings. Hyde scares off Wuffy (the Fun Land mascot) when he tries to get handsy with Jackie. At the end of the episode, Hyde laments the fact that he and Jackie used to kind of just hang out before they were in a romantic relationship. Jackie and Hyde sit together and interact as if theyre close, but nothing significant for them occurs. Hyde: Thats not a guarantee I can ever give you. It was very evident neither Jackie nor Hyde appreciated each other for who they were. Dana early, 2014 tv. In "Mother's Little Helper," we dont get much in the way of Jackie/Hyde interaction, but what we do get is good. Its clear they were discussing what had happened with W.B. The following exchange is both humorous and demonstrates Jackies love for Hyde. Hyde reads Jackie's permanent record. Hump. He "let the razor say the words [he] couldn't speak. Although she admits the kiss "was hot," she also says she "didn't feel anything". Meanwhile, Hyde believes Jackie wants to get back together with him and Eric meets someone with his likes and hobbies, but whose life makes him think about his own future. She attempts to get another, "I love you" out of him, but he tells her not to "push it," and they . Hed gotten confirmation that she still loved him, and he couldnt stop staring at her in a love-daze. But Hyde could really be himself with Jackie and could actually open up to her, because she never judged him for who he is, despite their fights. You can find her work if you want to, you know, 5 Reasons Why Jackie And Hyde From That 70s Show Belonged Together (& 5 Reasons They Didn't), That '70s Show: 5 Reasons Why The Show Was Better Without Eric (& 5 Why It Was Worse), That '70s Show: 19 Things Wrong With Hyde We All Choose To Ignore, That 70s Show: 10 Hidden Details About Eric's Basement That You Missed, That '70s Shows Characters: 9 Types of Intelligence. Hyde teases Jackie at her new job, saying, "The floor is shiny and I can see your heiny.". Jackie and Hyde start a romantic relationship in season 5. Finally, Jackie realizes the depth of Hyde's rejection, and she says, "Oh, God, Steven and I will never happen. In this scene (and episode), Jackie and Hyde are partners in crime. Jackie Burkhart ( Mila Kunis) and Michael Kelso ( Ashton Kutcher) didn't get their happily ever after on That '70s Show. In "Do You Think It's Alright?" Jackie is particularly physically affectionate with Hyde, resting her head on his shoulder, holding his hand, etc. In this episode, theyre still shown as being in sync with each other and deeply in love. So that would mean that Jackie and Fez broke up the same year she and Kelso got back together and had their child. In "I'm Free," Jackie shows compassion for Hyde's childhood. Jackie and Hyde's reconciliation doesn't come easily. Subtextually, though, their behavior tells another story. Once Jackie catches Kelso cheating on her with Laurie, Jackie seeks comfort and companionship in Hyde. Because, ew. Jackie and Hyde finally reconcile in "Join Together" -- with Kelso's help. She tries to convince him to dress appropriately, not in jeans and a t-shirt, and Hyde says, Lay off, okay? A cop shows up and threatens to arrest Jackie for possession, but Hyde protects her by convincing the cop the pot is his. Like what? In another she talks about how she spread her moms ashes. ", Jackie: "Look at who decided to finally show up [at the party].". Jackie and Kelso were each others first loves and dated almost all throughout high school off-and-on for That 70s Shows first four seasons until she began dating Hyde in season 5. One of the most controversial aspects of That 70s Show season 8 and the series finale was Jackie Burkhart (Mila Kunis), whose major love interests were Michael Kelso (Ashton Kutcher) and Steven Hyde (Danny Masterson), ending up with Fez (Wilmer Valderamma). Jackie and Hyde get caught making out in the basement; Eric and Donna try to convince As punishment for Donna going away to California . Jackie runs to the scene and asks Hyde what happened. So, fans were always glad to see Jackie and Hyde together because their storylines had an element of unpredictability around them, and even their arguments made for some of the most intriguing moments in the show. Hyde and Kelso make a pact at the hospital to put their friendship first and not go after Jackie. She doesn't absorb the rejection, however, or the one following. Not only did I know what he was talking about, I suggested he make a flow chart. Hyde probably felt like he and Jackie could go far but that frightens him because his difficult past makes him believe he will fail. He fabricated the whole mess. Kelso became a father and a police officer, which meant eventually outgrowing his childish ways. He puts his own dislike of their relationship aside and gets them back together. When people go through stuff like that they tend to believe that things will always fall apart and fail in the end. Jackie, heartbroken about not being able to go to the junior prom, asks Hyde to take her. Its so frustrating to watch sometimes because these things are so ridiculous. Yet an episode later, when Jackie moves in with Donna, she has to listen to very loud abba music to fall asleep. ", Jackie begins to idealize Hyde even further and sees him clad in shining armor and sitting on a horse. Ashton Kutcher left That 70s Showafter season 7, so its possible the writers had intended a reconciliation but decided they couldnt do it justice without both characters on the show to underscore why they would get back together. She also becomes hungry for his attention, something he does not want to give her; but he in spite of himself, he develops romantic feelings for her ("Jackie Bags Hyde"). That 70's show | Jackie and Hyde get caught! because of her influence. I mean, Im good with my hands, I dont mind dirt, and uh, I have a high tolerance for fumes.. Hyde takes it upon himself to question Chip. He puts his hand on the small of her back in a partial hug. ", Kelso tries numerous times to break Jackie and Hyde up, but his attempts fail until "Your Time Is Gonna Come". Hydes disrespect of Jackie continues throughout the episode. He reveals to everyone with impish glee that her middle name is "Beulah". She graduated from the University of Oregon with a B.A. Jackie, again, defends Steven albeit in a humorously narcissistic manner: Im just so mad at that William Barnett. He knows he can best accomplish both by sleeping with another woman. Jackie, though, still acts undecided in "Celebration Day". She cant just walk in here and pull your strings like youre some kind of puppet. Toward the end of the series, Jackie and Hyde's relationship fell apart and he ended up marrying a stripper from Las Vegas. Do Kelso and Jackie end up together in season 8? The season 7 writers probably thought they were leaving the season 8 writers a meaty Jackie/Hyde/Kelso triangle to work with. She also says to him, "Youre afraid to reach the peaks of love, for fear of being dropped off a cliff. These conflicting aspects of her personality are partly what make her a three-dimensional character. They made so much sense and changed. - YouTube 0:00 / 2:23 That 70's show | Jackie and Hyde get caught! I'm not this guy. Hyde wants Jackie to leave him alone. Perhaps not perfectly, but after another year of being with him, she would have continued to grow and change. If he didnt want to deal with the question of having a life with her, hed just call it quits. With Hyde, Jackie became less superficial and more real. Hyde responds to Jackie's sentiment by blowing a raspberry at her. As cute as that is, it goes back to her father and how financial success once topped her perfect partner list. He tells Jackie, for the first time, that he loves her. Youre so complicated. -when Jackie and Hyde are sleeping in his room because Jackie is alone at home, it is completely quiet. Theyre also very physically (not sexually) affectionate in this episode. This epiphany is yet another example of how Jackie has grown because of her relationship with Hyde. and tosses the bag of pot onto a car. Many fans attribute Jackie and Hyde's popularity to the fact that the characters challenged each other to grow and change for the better. Were gonna be rich. Hyde: Jackie, are you still mad? Shes being as supportive as she can be. Even fans of the show could never really figure out why and how they chose to be with each other. But then two seasons later, when hes supposed to be the same age, always complains about him and Eric still being at home. This literally makes zero sense. Discussions about them thrive on social media sites such as tumblr.com and on message boards like fanforum.com, generating thousands of likes and reblogs as well as hundreds of thread topics through the years. Good. Jackie and Hyde's reconciliation doesn't come easily. Jackie was born in September of 1961: she states in Career Day (Early to Mid February of 1977), that she is a sophomore, not a junior. "Beast of Burden" epitomizes season 7's inconsistent writing of Jackie and Hyde especially where Jackie is concerned. He stares at her in that love-daze, approaches her, and blurts, Youre beautiful. He continues to stare at her in love until she realizes the significance of his actions. Hyde had a very tough childhood growing up, probably plenty of trauma and neglect. Alas, it turns out that Jackie and Fez didn't last, with the former instead ending back up with Michael Kelso post- That '70s Show, an even more amusing pairing these days given that Mila . Plus, Hyde was never really very ambitious and wanted to stay in Wisconsin, whereas Jackie wanted a jet-setting career that would take her all around the world. He and Kelso fight over Jackie at the water tower, resulting in Kelso falling off it. He finally and truly "released" Jackie in the previous episode, having realized she'd grown beyond him thanks to Hyde. Hyde sees how miserable Jackie and Kelso are without each other. Season 5 established that Jackie and Hydes relationship had a growth-and-change effect on both of them. Related:That '90s Show Needs To Follow Fuller House's Format. It hasnt been revealed yet which otherThat 70s Show characters will return for That 90s Show, but its clear who wont: Danny Masterson. Crap!". Yet she tells Hyde shes alone a lot like him, she wants to be friends with the rest of them even though theyre not popular, she hangs out with them at school but her cheerleader friends dont know Hyde is her boyfriend till the Xmas dance? Michigan Ave does no harm. Like that time that you told me to eat that stuff, and I didn't know what it was, and then you licked your lips and you rubbed you stomach, and you were like, "Mmm, it's really good, Kelso". Oh, Baby (We Got a Good Thing Goin') is an excellent, in-character episode for Jackie and Hyde, perhaps the best of the season. It has to be said out loud, Jackie and Hyde both had such distinct personalities that whenever they were together, it made for great screen time. Until the episode "Winter" its clear that Jackie and Hyde are still very much in sync and in love, In "Let's Spend the Night Together," we witness how truly supportive Jackie is of Hyde and that she has a significant influence on his behavior. Look, Michael, Steven's the one who messed up the relationship. Jackie says to Hyde that "This hatred thing you have for me is just you protecting yourself." They sit variously on the hood and trunk of her father's Lincoln. Hyde doesn't like this answer and says, "You should probably think about that, man. Hyde's protective feelings toward Jackie come out fully during this period. Donna explains that Jackie's been "stalking" Hyde and that she is to Hyde what Fez is to her. Jackie and Hyde were arguably the most popular couple in That '70s Show history. Jackie feels hope at Hyde's use of the word "yet" but right afterwards Samantha arrives and claims she is Hyde's wife, who he married during a drunken wedding in Las Vegas. Jackie and Hyde's relationship before the episode "Kiss of Death" ranges from mutual annoyance to compassion. implies Hyde is after his money and Hyde storms out, Jackie is very protective of him. Later, it's Jackie whom Hyde goes to about his feelings. One significant change to the characters stories so far is with Donna Pinciotti, whose character arc was betrayed as she likely had her daughter later that year in 1980 after adamantly stating she didnt want kids yet. Kelso complains about Hyde's final tally. Jackie and Kelso's son is at least 15 years old. Great. She pits Hyde and Kelso against each other to prove who loves her the most. jackie and hyde get back together 47.7M views Discover short videos related to jackie and hyde get back together on TikTok. That '90s Show Needs To Undo One Part Of That '70s Show's Ending, That '90s Show Needs To Follow Fuller House's Format, That '90s Show Already Betrayed Donna's Character, Abby's Mother Reveal In Night Court Resolves The Harry/Christine Romance, One Big Bang Theory Main Character Was Only Meant To Be A Guest Role, Big Bang Theory Secretly Hinted At Paiges Dark Young Sheldon Future. Jackie is again protective of Hyde against Angie when Angie gets promoted out of Grooves to the corporate office. Then Jackie asks him to "go to the drug store and get [her] a Vogue magazine". She sounds compassionate, but she characterizes herself as the opposite. -when Jackie and Hyde are sleeping in the same bed because her mom abandoned her, kelso acts like its a big deal if they had been doing it, yet knows theyve already had sex. Unfortunately, this is a case of the writers manipulating the characters to serve plot, something they do consistently to Jackie and Hyde throughout season 7. Jackies been the main person supporting him during this transition, and disrespecting her is a way of protecting himself from adulthood. 2120 So. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Several episodes of season 6 re-confirmed this effect they had on each other. Jackie and Hyde finally reconcile in Join Together -- with Kelsos help. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #jackieandhyde, #getbacktogether, #jandlgetbacktogether, #jackandgabgetbacktogether, #jacobandjoeygetbscktogether, #getjandkbacktogether, #meandjaydenbacktogether, #annieandhaydenbacktogether, # . In "Surprise, Surprise," Jackies given back her compassion. ", Hyde: "But I just.. -red convinces hyde to stay at their house even after his 18th birthday. The one pop culture couple who made us question the opposites attract theory is definitely Jackie Burkhart (Mila Kunis) and Steven Hyde (Danny Masterson) from That '70s Show. Michael Kelso: [nods] Now, see, that's something that Jackie oughta know. You know what? Jackie: "Hey Steven, will you go to the drugstore and get me a Vogue magazine? This, she understands and becomes dejected.
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