These include a deep connection to knowledge, wisdom, and spirituality, as well as a strong desire to serve humanity . The latter method seems easier at first but it takes much longer due to the sheer amount of signatures out there; unless youre really good at tuning into even the faintest traces of energy, then you might have better luck with something inanimate like plants or trees. Lyrans work best when they have a job that gives them complete independence in their daily responsibilities , although lyrans are good at taking orders from superiors provided the orders dont involve too much social interaction. As they have plenty of experience incarnating onto different planets, when they arrive at a 3D world, they enjoy experiencing it to the fullest and they are very independent in their nature. This may be painful for their loved ones, especially for their parents. Her extensive list of metaphysical tools is the result of practicing reading and healing many souls for over 30 years. If parents hold on to their children to tightly, the Lyran starseed will either fight tooth and nail for their independence or they will put their parents needs above their own, essentially strangling their inner selves. Lyran starseeds like to interact with others, but lyrans prefer intellectual conversations over casual chit-chat or group activities where they fear the expectations of others will hold them back from freely expressing themselves. They gifted the element of fire to earth and also seeded the initial souls to Atlantis. Unsurprisingly, they have the unquenchable curiosity of a cat, thus being lovers of travel and . You may also have a strong sense of compassion, feeling deeply for others and wanting to do anything you can to make them feel better. But with people having a different origin, they remain quiet and dont mingle much. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. One of the characteristics of Lyran starseeds is that they're confident and never run from a challenge, so it's probably not a surprise that they don't falter when it comes to pursuing their desires. You're Intelligent and Gifted. This feeling is especially strong if youve tried several different careers already without success. Lyran starseeds understand that the level of consciousness on Earth has an effect on every other part of the universe, as everything in intrinsically connected. Their tireless determination to see every project to completion sets a great example that others are inspired to follow, and as such, they are perfect for careers and job roles that require people and project management skills. Lyrans are believed to be some of the oldest living souls in the universe, thought to have originated from multiple stars throughout the Lyra constellation. This symbol is said to be used by all extraterrestrial races in our galaxy as a way of communicating with each other. Compared to the other races that mostly value the collective and unity, Lyran Starseeds privilege individual needs above societys needs. They identify injustices and fight for worthy causes they believe in. Their intelligence is truly endless and they're always searching for new ways to expand their knowledge. They resist all forms of illegitimate control over their lives. This could mean one of three things: either theres an energetic attachment blocking you from interacting with others normally; or else something about your identity has been suppressed due to lack of energy signatures; or else (the most likely option) it means that theres simply too much activity in your field for anyone to get through and bond with you properly. If you feel like you might be a Lyran Starseed, keep an open mind! They work very hard, but they are always looking for ways to do things more efficiently. Not a rage, or anything, but if they are mad, you should look out. But as they utilize their energy in work, they start to feel exhausted and leave the work in between. It doesnt mean you are any less worthy than anyone else; it just means you have a very unique perspective on life! Lyrans are highly empathic and have a strong sense of justice, so they may feel compelled to help those who are oppressed by others. Lyran starseeds are ancient interstellar travelers hailing from the constellation Lyra. Usually they dont even need help or a mentor, they are self-encouraging. They are thought to possess specific traits and characteristics that are associated with their origin from Arcturus. Lyra was recorded as early as the 2nd century BC by the astronomer Ptolemy. You can either do this as an object (like sitting under a tree or standing in the middle of a forest) or as a person (going for a walk outside). Staying in one place for a long period of time could depress them. Lyran starseeds tend to have a high forehead and eyebrows that are well-defined. Does any of these Lyran characteristics resonate with you? However, if youre serious about making some progress then just keep going! If you dont however then theres no reason to worry as theres another method that should work with just about anyone! Lyrans played an important role in the creation of humanity and seeded some of the first souls onto Atlantis. Some famous Starseed variants are Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian, Andromedan, Orion, Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children, Lightworker, Lemurian, and Atlantean, Maldek, Feline and Lyran, Blue Ray, Venusian, Reptilian, and Draconian. Lyrans feel like close friendships are essential to their happiness and good health. Arcturian Starseeds are often found delivering speeches publicly. Your feminine and masculine energies are in perfect harmony. Are You a Lyran Starseed? As they mature, lyran starseeds develop a strong sense of idealism and morality, believing in right v wrong even at a young age. If you want more information on how these two groups differ, though, check out our article about how Lyrans were created by Arcturians at some point in history. You are sociable, but you dont get sucked into the drama around you and can observe others closely without getting emotionally involved. In terms of hobbies and interests, sport and physical fitness are the most popular. Blue Star Spiritual Meaning - Fresh Start For Earth, Draconian Starseed - Traits and Mission On Earth, Draconian Starseed Traits and Mission On Earth, Hyadian/Aldebaran Starseeds And Their Traits, Vega Starseed: Their Traits And Mission On Earth, Cassiopeia Starseed: The Signs And Traits, The Spiritual Significance of a Blue Moon 10 Fascinating Symbolism, What Does it Mean When Your Right Wrist Itches? Some have tattoos, birthmarks or even scars that are not normal which means they stand out from the rest of society. There are no more questions. 13) You're sensitive to technology. You feel like it is very important to help others and are naturally drawn to careers in healing, teaching or charitable work. They are intelligent people who know lots of stuff. Those with overbearing parents make finding their independence a priority, so parents of Lyrans should be careful not to cling on too hard. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 AWAKENING STATE. Starseed vs Moonchild: Exploring the Differences, Unlocking the Meaning of Your Dreams: A Comprehensive Guide to Dream Interpretation, Uncovering the Soul Contracts of a Twin Flame Relationship, Using Numerology to Strengthen Romantic Relationships. You have a nagging feeling that something is just not right, but you cant quite put your finger on what it is which only makes this problem worse! sarcastic comments about the human race, ability to grasp concepts quickly and easily in theory but have difficulty putting them into practice, (focusing on how it should be done rather than just doing it), awareness of the big picture, able to grasp many different possibilities, need for routine and structure even if they cant easily define why a certain order makes them happy, belief that there is more to life than what meets the eye, belief in karma, often feeling responsible for helping others (or the greater good), will try anything at least once due to an intense curiosity and desire for knowledge, drawn toward spiritual interests, especially new age philosophies and ceremonies such as channeling or reiki energy healing, may feel uncomfortable with traditional organized religion that has set rules and rituals, strong sense of right v wrong with a tendency to be unforgiving of those who do harm or cause suffering in the world. Unfortunately, they might write them off as the same as everyone else and miss out on a fulfilling relationship. Lyrans are incarnated into other star systems also: Pleiades, Sirius, and Arcturus. The first way (which again isnt always successful) requires that you find a starseed and have him/her teach you how to read energy signatures. They either like cats or have memories of being a cat-like humanoid. They were said to have colonized various planets throughout the universe, leaving either compatible or incompatible civilizations in their wake. The first of these two types are origin marks. They use most of their energy in making perceptions about people they are surrounded with. Markeb (Argo Navis If Rising: Profitable journeys in company with Jupiterian and Saturnian people wherein the native is grave and discreet, but suffers much injury, which ultimately turns to good. Lyran starseeds need to find activities or groups that value their idealism and moral sense of right v wrong if they are going to be happy in a mainstream society. Starseed markings only show where the persons soul group or past incarnations were, and we have free will in this world to be good or bad. This means it doesnt resemble anything from our earth languages. Every Lyran Starseed has different markings on their bodies which means you could have anything! This is one of the main Lyran characteristics. Lyran starseeds naturally radiate high vibration energy which can deeply impact people around them. If youre asking yourself if you could possibly be a Lyran starseed or any other starseed, thats often an indication that you may well be one. They tend to be either Feline or Avian from Lyra, though it seems to me like Feline souls are more common here. However, there is a depth of sensitivity beyond the surface. Lyrans are the only star seed group that will say aliens have contacted them personally and given them specific information about our world. My Russian AND Latvian Grandmother told many stories, but they were always broken and in pieces; they left myself and the few others she shared these memories with, in question! In this piece, I explain the meaning of Lyran starseed; Lyran ancestry; Lyran appearance; Lyran traits and characteristics associated with Lyran starseeds so you can learn more about them and join the dots to find out if youre one. It saddens me that They have conditioned this society to be so critical of others, so it makes being able to share our experiences difficult sometimes. Public Speaking. In it, well explore the concept of being a Lyran Starseed, what that means, and how it can help us understand our own lives better. Susan was born with spiritual gifts and is a master of many metaphysical techniques. They can also feel as if they understand cats, like people. Through meditation, we can access this energy in order to access a higher level of consciousness, go beyond ego boundaries, gain clarity about life purpose, and unlock new paths for spiritual expansion. This means what ever happened previously during a certain lifetime has repeated itself again but only now it is happening again in this current lifetime. They may have a slight build, but lyrans are not lacking in strength because they rarely make physical contact with others, preferring to walk or sit at a distance from their companions. In the pivotal times which we are living on the planet today, its become clear that we need help to navigate the unknown territories during this shift. ALSO READ: Lemurian Starseed: traits & characteristics. Their energies align with old money and a sense of tradition, and they often possess incredible wisdom and interesting skills. 27 Virgo 10. Theyre confident and outgoing, and they can be very charismaticbecause of this, Lyrans often end up in leadership roles because people will naturally fall in line with their vision for the future. By leveraging your special powers, harnessing your creative will, and diving deep within yourself you can bring forth immense power, transformation, and healing on our beautiful plane of existence. You are Emotional and Sensitive to the Feelings of Others. Lyran Starseeds are a very loving, beautiful and inte. Lyrans feel love deeply and know how other people feel through their own emotional connections with others. They carry dormant memories from past lifetimes that can shift into human consciousness from beyond this dimension. The cats actually created humans out of an aquatic mammal, changing and improving the genetics thus allowing older souls to incarnate into the new form. By working on the foundations supplied by Lavendar and her Pleiadian starseed markings and cross referencing with native American astrology, I was able to identify what I believe are starseed markings for Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda, Orion, Vega, Lyra, Hydra, Centaurus and Cygnus. Another of the key Lyran Starseed characteristics is their keen sense of justice. Each of these stars evokes specific traits and personalities. Moving forward. . Since there are no two starseeds alike, you can experiment with different ways of figuring out where your markings are. Example 2 : these ones usually consists of two triangles with sharp points in between them. They are star people who are independently minded and value justice. 5. You seem to have been someone thats been not only out of bed, but fully dressed, and some may venture to day you have made and almost completed eating breakfast! As they observe silently, they make a good circle of friends. You enjoy being in nature or in a beautiful environment surrounded by things that inspire you. It doesnt mean anything bad about your current life, or even what kind of person you are now. An unusual ability to remember past lives, A strong sense of connectedness with animals or nature, An unusual sensitivity toward energy fields (e.g., electromagnetic fields). As a Lyran Starseed, it is your life-mission to help further the spiritual evolution of humanity. The first appearance of these markings usually happens at birth or shortly after but they can appear later in life for people that are not spiritually aware. Lyrans are also good at solving relationship problems because lyrans have a knack at being able to get into someones head and figure out what is wrong. Id like to believe Im awake, but I think the bad guys (Kazarian / Cabal / Elites / Them, The Man, etc) have been pretty successful in keeping the truth(s) from us. Lyrans often struggle with finding their starseed connection as they identify with multiple star systems. Its important to remember that all planets experience this same thing at one time or another. Lyran Starseeds. Lyrans are excellent at operating in the physical dimensions. This is because Lyrans are naturally comfortable living the 3D world. I really really am. In awe, I am in absolute awe and amazement by this revelation. They can be found anywhere on the body just like the other common marks but these ones appear only at birth or suddenly when one becomes aware of their spiritual self. 16 Amazing Symbolism, The Spiritual Meaning of Someone Stealing from You. Lyra was often represented on star maps as a vultureor an eaglecarrying a lyre, and sometimes referred to asFalling Vultureor Falling Eagle. 27. The destiny of a starseed (star child) is two fold: the first part relates to their mission in this lifetime , while the other part relates to how they will fit into God s plan for ascension . There are many reasons why this may be happening (which Ill go into detail about later) but most likely it means that either these spirits are actually around you or else your starseed markings are trying to show themselves. Lyran Starseed Tattoo. Lyran starseeds are naturally cheerful, upbeat and optimistic. If none of those methods work then Im afraid there are no other ways for you to figure out where your markings are hidden without having someone else read them for you! They also share a mysterious past and connection to Earth. This happens because either an entity is trying to reach out to you through your subconscious OR else theres some leftover energy around them which has imprinted itself on your energy field. Lyran starseeds feel too deeply to risk being hurt by others opinions , so lyrans often bottle up their true feelings until they explode into sarcasm, anger and even physical violence. They also possess other key traits, including kindness, mindfulness, and understanding.
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