Found an interesting article regarding the act of stating and posing bodies. The problem here is that before 5:30 PM, no one knew the girls were missing other than the families and a few friends. Im getting, at the home!. Where all opportunists go to insert themselves into the case. Allen told investigators on Oct. 13, 2022, that he wore jeans and a blue or black Carhartt jacket that day, according to the probable cause affidavit. Im not sure how he got there, if he drove a car, or if so, where he parked it. X. The casing from the .40 caliber gun still remains within the creek. Derrick German: Libbys father, meth dealer, convict who served time in prison and supposedly ratted people out to get a lower sentence. Thing is, we cant figure out if it is a crumpled piece of paper, dried leaves, a stuffed toy, or a doll. Instead of bashing us, why dont you ask why the cops are telling us this stuff? He has pleaded not guilty to the charges. Allen is a married pharmaceutical technician. Interesting. The girls bodies were discovered on his . We agree with that because we think they were sitting in his pocket the whole time! Hes a local executive of a government function or perhaps better yet a nonprofit of some sort. BG must have fired his gun at some point in this crime. In the documents we have, it is openly stated that BG abducted the girls at precisely 2:13 PM. There may never be an arrest in this case. Allen is a married pharmaceutical technician. Logistical occupations, Construction workers etc who travel have free reign. She was emphatic about that. To get that, he said one of two things happens: 1.) He was searching for the girls. Also, a copy of the police scanner is available showing that Mr. Xs wife is supposed to be coming to the site to retrieve Mr. Xs truck. That makes no sense. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. We believe Mr. X stayed with the truck all that time in order to watch it. I think perhaps I saw the same things this guy did. Can you believe that I said that on Facebook, and some retarded ass computer flagged it and banned me for a while for insulting another user? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Its buried under settlement and underbrush. DELPHI - The year 2021 should be filled with cap & gowns, graduation parties, and college choices for Libby German and Abby Williams. If a perpetrator staged the scene, they did that for their benefit. A police chief in Martinez accused the man of committing these crimes, and the man sued the city and won $50,000. No, LK is the real deal. Is Mr X part of any of the local groups working on promoting the trail system? Only a deer kit looks just like that. I heard that at the 2019 conference, she burst into tears. All I ask is that you say that our suspect is named Mr. X, and we absolutely refuse to identify this man. I would think a crime like this would occur and the perpetrator would be gone. He was right in the middle of all the police and media, and no one suspected him. I appreciate your style about not being afraid to put out things others wouldnt dare & or might even get accosted over doing soThose idiots are WEAK& most of them are hypocritesSome of the new YouTubers even, they first bitch about the same thing, then they start a channel, and the next thing you know, their moderators are hacking/choking& putting that ass in the corner for hours before allowing u to crawl back in, all bruised, & compliantNot for me. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Why on Earth would someone stay next to their truck all through one evening and night through the next early AM and morning into the afternoon? 8) He drives an older model Ford Ranger type of truck. Isnt that logical. was unsealed by a county court on Tuesday, revealing key new details. One question: I havent seen this anywhere but have the police questioned Mr. X about the murders? Are you speculating? Is there any way on Earth that BG could look like the young man in that sketch or even an 18-40 year old? What would be Mr X reason for leaving them there? He also allegedly asked his cousin to back up his story before the girls bodies had been found. The voice in the clip was described as being 'not inconsistent' with that of Logan, the FBI investigation concluded. His full name is Richard Matthew Allen. Its a very rare occurrence, only 1.3% of the victims is left in an unusual, corrected position. Im leaving it at that. The judge would say you dont even have enough evidence against this man to take this case to court and throw it out of court. LE must know that BG recorded 43 seconds of audio, presumably of his crime. White scarf covering the lower half of his face. So hes a murderer. Thats a GoPro on BGs waist and he filmed his crime. I saw this being explained in some YT comments to a bunch of brainlets. Photo Page - Delphi Homicides. The guy that is making those videos about Mr X, and the guy by the name of Derek godsey. Im not buying the fact that they just werent equipped to handle an investigation of this magnitude. In addition, note that he abducted two girls on the 13th, 2-13. Anyway, pastor in a Pentecostal church would be a perfect place for a man like that because those religious people dont care much about Alpha, Beta, and all that stuff. I am trying to be vague. Our best police source just told us that Ron Logan has been absolutely cleared as a suspect. However, we presently lack evidence that Mr. X worked at Indiana Packers. They think he did it. However, I do not know how to contact you Sir. Enough is enough. I could know that some guy was a serial killer with 10 victims, and I dont have to go to the police. It is unclear when and where the photo was taken. Because no debt or grudge or anything can ever justify 2 little girls being murdered. 3) This man is a *heavy* smoker and a functioning alcoholic. Come on, people. Via LE Source A, Mr. X s roommate in 2011-2012 in Delphi told LE that BG was absolutely Mr. X. Indiana Cold Cases is similar and so is True Crime Jesus. By the way, whats a legitimate journalist? Whats a illegitimate journalist? Theres no such thing as either. which has been viewed more than 18,000 times. If you believe the leaked texts were real (and I do), Abby's arms were not spread out and over her head. I think this whole crime scene was severely compromised but still doable She still hasnt been able to process this, assuming such a thing can ever be processed. There was an early raid on the Indiana Packers plant in Delphi that was done by LE. LE thinks he stashed his phone at the CPS building during the murders. In particular, user/tobor is excellent. Allen, a 50-year-old Delphi man, was arrested last month. The rejoinders also say that either he never lost his keys or he did and he called the wife to bring a spare, and she did, evidence being the police scanner. If others want to dig around and find out who he is, thats their business. Another reason he stayed is we believe that he enjoyed the drama. For five years, the murders of 13-year-old Abby Williams and 14-year-old Libby German have hung over Delphi, ghosts that couldn't be put to rest. A large amount of blood was lost by the victims at the crime scene, an agent wrote in the warrant. Number 5 was told to JM, an excellent local sleuth, and then to us by an Indiana detective who works in Narcotics based on crime scene photos he had seen. It is unclear whether they were referring to Allen or not. You do a great job! Theres just journalists. For more information, please see our Try harder. And when they said BG was actually better described as a combination of both sketches, they were correct too. He could have called his wife, who was friends with Becky Patty, and the wife could have told him about the girls going missing. Libby and Abby went missing on 13 February 2017 after they set off on a hike along the Monon High Bridge Trail in Delphi, Indiana. He is one of the first and only witnesses in this case!!. Throughout their investigation, an important piece of evidence discovered on Germans phone has aided in their search. - November 30, 2022 Delphi murders leaked texts revealed the evidence behind the brutal death of two teenage girls who went out to spend their day off but met a very tragic end. The fact that the mere mention of FSG as anything more than a helpful old man out for a daily stroll is met with such hostility well, that raises all sorts of red flags with me even if the vitriol is coming from true crime enthusiasts on Reddit. Garrett said it's possible that the gun jammed and the killer turned to another weapon. I tune in to their broadcasts and most of it is these narcissists collecting narcissistic supply, which is being doled out by their worshipful audience. Based on investigators experience it is reasonable to believe that the creation of an alibi prior to the discovery of a crime indicates culpability or knowledge of the crime, the agent wrote. Indiana Packers workboots go up to knee-high, and they are waterproof. Good job though, because you confirm much of what Ive seen. Two young girls disappear off of an extraordinarily dangerous bridge in the middle of the day when they had plans to be picked up at a specific time? We park right at the front door. The boots appear to be Indiana Packers boots. The date of the crime and the time of the abduction are both 2-13. Though she cannot comment on this investigation since its ongoing, she MAY be able to offer clues. What are the odds that both parties made up these specific lies on their own? Of course Ron Logan didnt do it. Mr Xs alibi is it true that the person who is now deceased is a police officer who committed suicide? I have to say that I noticed a lot of CSI activity at a location far from that bank. "He put himself at the scene, on the bridge.". Shout out to anyone else who feels the same. It was posted to Facebook by Allen's wife Kathy, 50, in 2018 - just over a year after the girls disappeared in February 2017, although it's unclear when the photo was taken. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. It is important to note that you are under no obligation to tell the police anything. Train tracks and you guessed it, more fields, parallel to the gas station. Not long afterwards, the pink stripe was removed from the truck, witnesses say. Thanks again for the interesting and jaw dropping article!!! The suspect has since moved back to North Carolina, and young women have begun to disappear from the trails there now. And if it was 43 seconds, it would be on Libbys phone! Garrett explained that an "unspent bullet is one that has the casing and the projectile still together." In the more than three years since the girls' tragic murders, very little evidence has been released about the case including the cause of death. Fondled similarly to Libby. We believe that the running away and months of therapy were also staged. In other words, they were faked. The authorities have been purposeful in not disclosing much information about the Delphi Murders. But no arrests have ever been made with several promising leads or theories arising over the years, only to go cold. We dont just look at the Delphi case here. Empiricism is a thing. A subpoena for an IP address led to another address in Peru, Indiana, and a second search warrant found Kline and his father there. There appears to be no mention of the Delphi murders or any information linking Kline to the case. Some of this confusion is probably natural, since the the whole B family has gone underground. These idiot cops. Richard Allen, a 50-year-old Delphi man, was arrested last month. The bodies were dumped near flowing water, creeks or rivers. Sure hes a greedy businessman, but I doubt if hes that greedy. We may or may not have from 1-8 more official case documents from this case. On the other hand, a sample with only nine markers is absolutely not usable in court. Wow, this is some incredible news. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. But my opinion isnt worth anything. Bottom line is our theories now are dramatically more accurate than the 85% error rate we had earlier. Alex Oliveira For Dailymail.Com The crime occurred on February 13, or 2/13. The Indiana State Superintendent of Police is proud of the arrest of an accused in the Delphi massacre. I have an official case document here in my hand. Thank you for stopping by the site. Oh theyre not made by him. On the day of the murders, he was wearing a blue jacket and jeans. Most of the rest are not bad people, but they are showboats, loudmouths, and boasters with egos the size of small planets. They are looking for exactly 43 seconds of audio that BG recorded. Isnt that REALLY FUCKING STUPID? Search warrants obtained by a podcast and a local television station are shedding new . Does he say where he thinks they were found, if not 50ft from the water? We have an LE source, a detective in Indiana, who told us just that. "No, that's not her nor Libby," he wrote in his text response. He had been there that morning too. Why do kids play make-believe? He can be heard saying, "Guys, down the hill," in the short video and investigators created two composite sketches based on this evidence. I have one more message for you. If one of the girls was pregnant, was the pregnancy a result of intercourse with Mr X? Thank you so much! Too much points to them to be coincidence. Continue reading to find out what the alleged Delphi Murders leaked text messages are all about. We are very worried that the police may be trying to pin this crime on Kegan and Tony Kline and we know neither one is involved. Anyway, even if there was PIV sex, the victim would have died soon after the sex and the tiniest speck of a fetus, the size of a pencil dot on a sheet of paper, along with it. He is said to haveadmitted talking to Libby German using a fake Instagram profile called Anthony_shots. Ive followed your articles over the past four years and find your insight quite interesting! Frequently hunted deer on Rons land. A .40-caliber unspent round was found less than 2 feet away from one of the girls' bodies, and that unspent round went through a gun that Allen owns, according to the probable cause affidavit. What I noticed in the article is that in cases of stating and posing bodies, the perpetrator and the victims are, compared to other murders, on average, older. 21:06 GMT 30 Oct 2022 The last person on Earth to protect the killer is poor Becky Patty, God bless her mortal soul. As CrimeOnline previously reported, 13-year-old Abby and 14-year-old Libby were murdered in 2017, but the killer remains elusive. 2) There was a shot that was deliberately fired into the creek in an attempt to scare Libby, whom was attempting to evade Mr. Good question and we have no answer to it. Neither Kegan nor Tony Kline can be placed at the bridge on that day or on any other day for that matter. This is what happened. Mr. X did not have PIV sex with either girl. He killed a woman. No, he came up with the lost my keys gambit to explain why his car sat at the cemetery from 6:30 PM the day of the crime to 12:30 PM the next day when the girls bodies were found, a period of 18 full hours. Thanks Dee. As youve pointed out Mr. X did this before the search party had even assembled, right at the EXACT parcel of land that the girls bodies would be found the next day. 10) Regarding crime scene: Red herrings to throw off law enforcement. My understanding was that an FBI agent was visiting family in Delphi and assisted in the search when he heard about it (as it is a very small town, most people heard about the girls missing that night and the search the night they failed to return); FBI agent assists in search as essentially a volunteer, and when it becomes apparent by late night - early morning that there may be something more sinister than the girls simply getting lost, he assisted with request of local authorities (as is required unless it is w/in FBI jurisdiction, as this was not) with getting the FBI to the scene the next morning. Still in Delphi, or on the border of Delphi. I cant demand that my friends give me money! I cannot remember which girl had taken the photo of the man on the bridge with her cell phone, but I had read somewhere that on that cell phone there was audio of her saying something about a weird man approaching them and that is why she took the photo. Investigators said in the probable cause affidavit that they believe Allen is the man seen on the video. Now, I have denied knowing something that I actually knew, but that was to protect the integrity of an investigation. Furthermore, when people say that I, Robert Lindsay, have no sources, no documents, on and on, please keep something in mind. A double asterisk means the information is proven by case documents in our possession. The one thing I cannot do is help him get away with his crimes, that is, be an accessory. Rumor is that Abbys was pink. He is said to have admitted talking to Libby German using a fake Instagram profile called Anthony_shots. Investigators also cite a witness who saw Allen walking with "clothes that were muddy and bloody," according to the probable cause affidavit. This had been done on other occasions, at least one other we know of in the 2000s. We openly admit that much of what we are saying about this crime are unverified rumors. A user allegedly shared them on a FB group a few days ago. These are the only claims that people can hold us to because with all the rest, we openly admit that the claims are Unverified, so we should not be held to any of those claims. Since Allen's arrest, it was also revealed that his home was less than two miles from the Delphi train bridge where Williams and German were last seen alive. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a9ecdae37f37f9e5f76df75466de7fce" );document.getElementById("b83dbe3da2").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. But many questions still remain around the murders of Abby Williams, 13, and Libby German, 14. Was Mr X aware of the pregnancy and the murder was to hide that fact? As far as the serial killer theory goes, I believe there's a good chance BG is already a serial killer or someone who will one day be a serial killer. As far as my theories, I made a video (see here: that outlines the visions held a couple of days upon learning of this crime. Hi folks! And Mr X was involved in a Christian teen club! Knives. Your critiques are not even making sense. Just thought I would draw your attention to it. You learn which rumors have promise and which have not panned out. If he left, LE might tow it or search it. Im sure that was a LOL feeling for him. The killer in the unsolved Delphi murders is believed to have moved and staged the victims bodies and taken a souvenir from their 2017 slayings, according to newly-surfaced police documents. We dont know why he asked permission to search Ron Logans land at 6:30 PM, but this is also a huge red flag because he asked to search the land a full half hour before the fire department had even announced the formation of a search team. However, there are some good posters, especially on r/LibbyandAbby. Meanwhile, Kegan Kline, an Indiana man accused of child exploitation and child pornography, says police told him he was the last person to communicate with one of the girls. This lines up nicely with Leigh Kerrs testimony where he said that BG used binoculars in this crime. These partial DNA samples are useful to LE. Were you a member of the private group? Why on Earth would the killer have a copy of an audio file from Libbys phone! About eight days after the murders, this man shoots and kills his 16 year old live-in girlfriend while allegedly cleaning his firearm. This grainy image was taken on Libbys phone on the trail the day the girls went missing. However, there was one little problem. The truth is that some of the things LE said in that conference are true. He has long been presumed to be their killer. Another one of the videos had what Im assuming is a LinkedIn profile of some sort spliced into the slide show for a brief moment.
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