DAX Price Group = IF( 'Product' [List Price] < 500, "Low" ) The second example uses the same test, but this time includes a value_if_false value. IF is one of the most popular Excel functions and very useful on its own. Let's say if A buys 3 products, he will have to pay $50 for the first product, for the other 2 items, he will have to pay $70 each. For example, you can use the IF function to check the result of an expression and create conditional results. Print - IMAGE (Half page) A4 Colored 12.00 Here is what I have - can you help me figure out why it's not working? Incredible product, even better tech supportAbleBits totally delivers! Thanks, Hi, You can see instructions and examples here: Excel IFS function instead of multiple IF. Excel will evaluate the logical tests in the order they appear in the formula. WILL THIS WORK????????? All rights reserved. =IF([@[Project Stage]]="Idea","Idea", This isn't working. risk = medium Registered Number 515613, Training and Excel Spreadsheet Solutions Consultancy Service The Excel Club 11 Deerpark Green,Kiltipper Way, Dublin 24. However, we use multiple or nested IF statements when evaluating numerous conditions in a specific order to return different results. I assume the formula has an extra parenthesis in the first IF. Your formula is written incorrectly. I hope you have studied the recommendations in the tutorial above. Checks a condition, and returns one value when TRUE, otherwise it returns a second value. if row A has "0", AND row B has "1-9", then put "1" in row J. If you feel like exploring the subject, you may find it helpful to read the following articles: This can be helpful if you need to code for a few logical cases.. Hi! Multiple IF Statements If you ever need to write multiple IF statements in DAX, then you know that it makes the expressions hard to read. Is there shortcut to have all the validation performed under single column with a sophisticated nested if function? result. Very good article, thanks for sharing, Keep up the good work! Hi! If its boat in B then C displays 25 Information coming from Microsoft documentation is property of Microsoft Corp. How can I do this? I need to fix below multiple criteria IF formula to show me monthly commission percentage in a column B applied on column A (Subscription Term): Subscription Term Commission Percentage Months Monthly Commission if =4 or 5 : half assistance XXS B. Explain what data you are using. I need the year to be indicated in column A as an nth term, based on the months in column B, so I have written the formula below. Hi! 4 - Ms Hard the result should be 1000 1662450337 05-Apr-22 07-May-22 In a calculated column of Employees, you can just write= RELATED ( States [StateName] )and you will have a column with the corresponding state name. Definition. The best spent money on software I've ever spent! Most DAX functions work the same as their counterpart in Excel, however AND and OR work a little different in DAX. Last Review date = 1st review date + 12 Months Duplicate rows are retained. hi everyone, - need to know what to change to make it work .. than you. The syntax is a bit odd compared to other DAX functions and it is not a function you will find in Excel. XYZ3000 AG200A01 1 To many arguments etc =IF(C4:C13=Aqua,B22,, AND(IF(C4:C13=Rec,B23,, AND(IF(C4:C13=Behavior,B24,, IF(C4:C13=Massage,B25,, IF(C4:C13=Music,B26,, IF(C4:C13=Training,B28,, IF(C4:C13=PRN,B27,))))))). Make sure that all text values are enclosed in double quotes. I pasted this formula into cell A8, where the data begins, but this did not work however; I get a #N/A error for rows 8-18 (months 1-11) and a #NAME? The below formula works but I want to add a few conditions, =IF([@[Appointment date]]>[@OverdueDate],[@[Appointment date]]-[@OverdueDate],IF(ISBLANK([@[Appointment date]]),[@[Week Ending]]-[@OverdueDate])). Your conditions contradict each other. The cell in question being G5 as you noted above. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. For more information, please visit: Nested IF in Excel formula with multiple conditions. Easy, isn't it? I have 6 variables in total. Access All Areas, Unlimited Learning Subscription, We also have a video to go along with this which you can view here, READY FOR THE VIDEO SOLUTION? For instance, to output "Good" if both B2 and C2 are greater than 50, "Bad" otherwise, the formula is: =IF(AND(B2="pass", C2="pass"), "Good! sumif w filter = SUMX (FILTER (Marks,Marks [Mid term Marks] > 15),Marks [Mid term Marks]) Sumx is an iterative function that always needs a table as a first parameter. What's incorrect? in C11 I have number of kilo. Thank you so helpful!! I am creating a production schedule whereby when they insert the product code from a drop list (L2:L500) then the same row corresponding columns will automatically place the raw material items for the product code. To have both labels in one column, nest the above functions one into another: =IF(D2=MAX($D$2:$D$10), "Best result", IF(D2=MIN($D$2:$D$10), "Worst result", "")). I want to differentiate the cell values into the crores, Lakh, Thousand, Hundred, Tens, Units However, a couple of functions come close. And the predicted score will be in column J (home team goals) and column K (away team goals). if >=6 : full assistance Or explain the problem in detail. I have called this table Sales. =IF(OR(N46=1,SUM($T46:$V46)=3,N46=0,SUM($T46:$U46)=2),"Compliant","Non Compliant"). This one should work. =IF(ISNUMBER($AH15),ANDIF($AH15>150,(" High Random Blood Sugar "&$AH15&" Mg.%. It should be: 300 599.99 1049.00 The function returns FALSE if both arguments are FALSE. =IF('Products list '!B6<=0,1,IF('Products list '!B6<=5000000,2,IF('Products list '!B6<=10000000,4,0))). Doing this now, but not working: =IF(OR(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Var1";A28));"Var1"); In case you want to return nothing if the logical test evaluates to FALSE, include an empty string ("") in the last argument: =IF(OR(B2="delivered", B2="paid"), "Closed", ""). SWITCH () checks for equality matches. } Large Shipment >45 units of scooters or >25 units of Dolls House or skateboard or >20 units of bikes. or Hello! subject then you PASS otherwise FAIL. write an excel command. Alternatively, if I enter 1 into the cell, I want it to look at cell $B$1 and make a calculation depending on if $B$1 says "Plan" or "LE" and give me the appropriate answer. Combing is where I seem to have problems. Term. Example I can't fix it because I don't understand what you wanted to do. One option is to use the OR function as shown in the image below. How do I add that if the result returned from the below statement = false then leave cell blank and if Column K contains "Referral yet to be accepted" or "On hold" then not to calculate - is this possible? In my cell I want to first look at a cell with drop down options (named Grade). 3 - Dr Joe, Miss Adams or Neil Foe the result should be 800 =IF(B63=TRUE; (G63)-(F63*1,21*D63); 0); OR(=IF(H63="Paid"; (G63)-(F63*1,21*D63); 0)). Easy right! Assuming the total score is in column D, you can identify the highest and lowest values with the help of the MAX and MIN functions: =IF(D2=MAX($D$2:$D$10), "Best result", ""). More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. Incredible product, even better tech supportAbleBits totally delivers! =IF($A$1=2,(calculation),(IF($A$1=3,(calculation),(IF($A$1=4,(calculation),(IF($A$1=5,IF($B$1="Plan",calculation,IF($B$1="LE",calculation,IF($A$1=1,IF($B$1="Plan",$U8,IF($B$1="LE",calculation,0)))))))))))). Relationship: WONumber. Is it possible? +1 when the value is >=5, Hi, D24CY82 (353) 85-7203895 theexcelclub.com, Best Value Excel and Excel Power Tool Learning. Each works on its own but is not working when combines with the OR You just express each of the above conditions as an AND statement and nest them in the OR function (since it's not necessary to meet both conditions, either will suffice): Then, use the OR function for the logical test of IF and supply the desired value_if_true and value_if_false values. So the if the function would be just like this : The syntax of if statement in dax is IF (logical_test,value_if_true, value_if_false) The first parameter of if statement in power bi is any expression that can return true or false output. Sort and filter links by different criteria, Find, extract, replace, and remove strings by means of regexes, Customizable and adaptive mail merge templates, Personalized merge fields depending on the recipient or context, "Send immediately" and "send later" scheduling. RemoveMatchingRows. =IF(AND(K2="Not Urgent"),IF(N23, "Fail"))). Try this formula: =IFS(CEILING(B8,12)/12=1,CEILING(B8,12)/12&"st", CEILING(B8,12)/12=2,CEILING(B8,12)/12&"nd", CEILING(B8,12)/12=3,CEILING(B8,12)/12&"rd", CEILING(B8,12)/12>3,CEILING(B8,12)/12&"th"). As the result, you get the following IF formula with multiple AND / OR conditions: =IF(OR(AND(B2>50, C2>50), AND(B2>40, C2>60), "Pass", "Fail"). Column B - Appointment date =IF(Grade="ABOVE",AND('SPOTFIRE 10.24.2022'!R:R="Hookup Spools - Traditional CGL",'SPOTFIRE 10.24.2022'!M:M,0)). What is the best way to combine the two following statements. =IF(F4<10,"45%",IF(F4<9,"55%",IF(F4<8,"65%",IF(F4<7,,"75%",IF(F4<6,"85%",IF(F4<5,"100%","0%")))))), -when I run it says to many arguments for formula and when I use IFS function it says too few arguments for formula. Gopal informed other students if you score 20 marks in end term exam OR 60 marks in total in For example you might want to calculate sum of sales amount for all "Red" products. Important note! New formula works. I really appreciate it. =IF(PRODUCT(--(A1:D1="approved")),"approved","disapproved"), I want an excel formula. The following two expressions return the same result. In Excel 365 and Excel 2021, this also works as a regular formula due to support for dynamic arrays. I tried =if(or(c1=B2,"oversold")) Cell B1 (Relationship): Child addt'l - Editing 3.00, Hello! Microsoft and the Office logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. You can find detailed explanations and examples at the link above. To output the result of IF and some text into one cell, use the CONCATENATE or CONCAT (in Excel 2016 - 365) and IF functions together. Function 1: I want to say if A is greater than 5, then A is equal to 5. Hi! Hello! Idea No No Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Function 2: If A is between 0 and 5, then A is equal to the value itself. If Q17 (28.86) is greater than R17 (3.105), I want S17 to show Q17 value (28.86). However, I don't quite understand what you want to do. What is the column title? IF(OR(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Var2";A28));"Var2"); Else If { XYZ A can you advise where I am going wrong please? =IF((W9>=50)*(S9="Audit passed"),"Supplier approved",IF((W9>=50)*(S9="Audit passed with deviations)," New review of supplier",IF((W9<50)*(S9="Audit not passed"),"Supplier not approved"))). Hello! In order to support this new operator, DAX also introduced two new syntaxes, table and row constructor, which enables the creation of "anonymous" tables that can be used to compare the value of two or more columns instead of a single one. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Anybody who experiences it, is bound to love it! I have an IF OR AND formula that does not work where I am trying to combine 2 statements resulting in an answer, times 4 scenarios, using 2 table titles and giving an option of 4 answers. A volatile function may return a different result every time you call it, even if you provide the same arguments. It always gives a #VALUE! OR function and Syntax in DAX The DAX syntax for OR is =OR (Logical test 1, Logical test 2) The OR functions tests to see if either of the conditions are true, in which case a true value will be returned. The number represents "account department", "legal department" and "sales department" respectively. If at least one condition is true, the formula returns TRUE. Photocopy A4 Grayscale | B/W 5.00 At some point, I would like to grow this by 8-10 names and 4-5 times. The information you provided is not enough to understand your case and give you any advice. LOT Loc'n More formula examples can be found in Excel IF OR function. For example, if A is 2.5, then A=2.5. Photocopy Letter Colored 7.00 #1 ~ ~ ~ IF(AND(B7="~",E7="~",F7="~"),"YES1","Enter (L)1") Let's write a dax expression equivalent to sumif power bi. Here's a typical example: suppose you want to qualify the students' achievements as "Good", "Satisfactory" and "Poor" based on the following scores: Before writing a formula, consider the order of functions you are going to nest. I really appreciate Your answer! To demonstrate the concept, let's check the item names in column A and return "Fruit" for Apple or Orange and "Vegetable" for Tomato or Cucumber: =IF(OR(A2="apple", A2="orange"), "Fruit", IF(OR(A2="tomato", A2="cucumber"), "Vegetable", "")). What should the formula return if several conditions are met at once? Hi! If your Excel does not have an IFS function, use a nested IF function. column A to D = will have text approved then if all cells from A to D is Approved on column E approved will appear For more information, please see Excel IF with multiple AND/OR conditions. To have a closer look at the formulas discussed in this short tutorial, you are welcome to download our sample Excel IF OR workbook. Thanks, Anyone able to help with the above? #4 08-Dec-22 10:07 08-Dec-22 11:29 ~ IF(AND(B7>0,F20="~",E7>=B7),"YES4","Enter (L)4") I have enjoyed every bit of it and time am using it. - query the table and add Index, nothing more. Consequently, in the logical test of your IF formula, you should use one of these functions: To better illustrate the point, let's investigate some real-life formulas examples. It covers your case completely. Here's the example. ANT # RSN Project? How to use Excel IF function with dates read in this article. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. 70+ professional tools for Microsoft Excel. Click to read more. Power bi "if statement" is straightforward to implement in DAX. Checks whether one of the arguments is TRUE to return TRUE. In this example, let's find and mark the order IDs "AA-1" and "BB-1": =IF(OR(EXACT(A2, "AA-1"), EXACT(A2, "BB-1")), "x", ""). Column A (Salary) has values ranging from 10 to 100. Thanks for the tip! z o.o. Be Careful (DAX)[] Print - IMAGE (Full page) Long / Folio Colored 20.00 in simple terms: 1662450337 05-Sep-22 04-Oct-22, Can you please help. If yes then sum the cells, if no, then subtract the amount in that cell. Thank you very much for your explanations, you helped me solve lots of complex conditions on Excel. ", IF(B1>50, "well", "poor"))). If you need logical operators or nesting of conditions, you have to write them "manually". and would you please help on this. For powerful data analysis, however, you may often need to evaluate multiple conditions at a time. A4: 42 B4 C4: 60 to 72 D4: 0.45% Column Q is a sum of hours for operations. Hi! Could you help me identify where could be the error? All rights are reserved. Beyond the 20th year the nth term is incorrect for some of the years; 21th, 23th, 31th, 32th. last review date = 24-June-2006 Based on your description, it is hard to completely understand your task. Print - Plain TEXT Long / Folio Grayscale | B/W 7.00 391203 No No So you can use the condition AND(SUM(--ISNUMBER(--MID(G5,ROW($A$1:$A$20),1)))>=5,SUM(--ISNUMBER(--MID(G5,ROW($A$1:$A$20),1))<=9) to check the number of digits from 5 to 9. Print - IMAGE (Half page) A4 Grayscale | B/W 7.00 The FILTER function allows you to select values based on multiple criteria. Function 2: If A is between 0 and 5, then A is equal to the value itself. I'm really sorry, is not possible with the standard Excel options. You are using the logical OR function. I think I've given you enough information for you to adjust the formula yourself, if necessary. Hi! i have date today and start date, to calculate the case age but another column is the status of the case, close or open.. so the logic will be.. calculate the case age if the case is still open.. sorry, the spacing between the formulas didn't pull over: =IF(K4<=9,"Exceptional",IF(K450,"Needs Improvement")))), =IF(L4=0,"Exceptional",IF(L4<=9,"Exceeds",IF(L420,"Unsatisfactory"))))). If it is not a single text string but several cells, which you did not mention, use these guidelines: Excel INDEX MATCH with multiple criteria. Hi! Thanks for a terrific product that is worth every single cent! BUT, if I give them a report that shows them LOTs in A/B or A/C or B/C locations, they have a chance to consolidate LOTs and put them all together in one location of the warehouse rather than have the LOTs spread throughout. You can find the examples and detailed instructions here: Excel Nested IF statement: examples, best practices and alternatives. You can install it in a trial mode and check how it works for free. THAN I need some help in constructing the formula to this: I have this formula in the custom column formula. Google Chrome is a trademark of Google LLC. Thanks so much. Type your response just once, save it as a template and reuse whenever you want. Take a look at how we would use || to test if Record 1 = Record 2 OR Record 2 = Record 3 OR Record 3 = Record 1. The following tutorial should help: Excel FILTER function - dynamic filtering with . 45000 =0% For example here we are looking for red Alfa Romeo and silver expensive Opel. If the lookup value is not found, the formula returns specific text. This works but if the figures in C20 & C21 were reversed the value in D20 is -50 and shows as"Ok" However, Ill try to guess and offer you the following formula: =IF(AND(K2="Urgent",N21="Fail"),TRUE,IF(AND(K2="Urgent",N21="Fail"),)). In Excel 2003 and lower, there are no more than 30 arguments, and the total length of your IF formula does not exceed 1,024 characters. I can't see your data and therefore can't tell what doesn't work in the IF function with multiple conditions. Then, insert this formula into the cell. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the. If the grade is 94, the display is "1.0" - all the way to the grade 83 which should display as "2.2". But if I add in a AND function it breaks: =TEXTJOIN(", "; TRUE;(UNIQUE(IF(AND('Asset Inventory CPT'!L4:L2000="Borrowed from campus"; 'Asset Inventory CPT'!B4:B2000="PC");'Asset Inventory CPT'!D4:D2000;"")))). 1 2 3 LINK WANT 72 and more (commission 0.65%), NOTE: The percentages in the formula needs to be hardcoded (with ""). I need to derive a result(column title) if ALW(column title) is 1.56 and up its Oversize, if ALW is 1.20-1.55 its Goodsize, if ALW is 1.10-1.19 its Undersize, if ALW is 1.0-1.09 its Offsize, and if ALW is below 1.0 its Runts, Hello! =IF(OR(B:B={"Third Party & Terminal PIU Unit","Shaybah Projects Inspection Unit","Dist & Refined Product P/L PIU Unit","RT Refinery & Juaymah NGL Unit","RTR Clean Fuel Complex Unit","Riyadh Refinery Unit","Cross Country Pipeline PIU Unit","Master Gas System Proj Inspection Unit","Pipeline Upgrade & Crude Delivery Unit","WR Refining & NGL Projs Insp Unit","WR Pipelines & Terminal Unit","WR Bulk Plant & Dist Unit","Jazan Complex Projs Inspection Unit"}), "DPID", ""), IF(OR(B:B={"Maritime Yard Dev Project Inspection Sec","Ship Building Projects Inspection Unit","Off, Rigs Platform & Utls Proj Insp Unit","Maint & Support Vessels Proj Insp Unit","Special Kingdom Projects Inspection Unit","Community Projects Inspection Unit","Communication & Security Unit","Batch Plants & Civil Testing Unit"}), "MBIPID", ""), IF(OR(B:B={"Gas Compression Projs Inspection Sec","NA Gas Facilities","SA Gas Facilities","Fadhili Project Insp Unit","Hawiyah Increment Projs Inspn Unit","Haw/Una Gas Reservoir Storage PIU","North Gas Comp Plants Proj Insp Unit","Haradh&Hawiyah Comp P/L Proj Insp Unit","Satellite Gas Comp Plants Proj Insp Unit","South Gas Comp Plants Proj Insp Unit","Infrastructure & Support Proj Insp Unit","Jafurah Util, Sulfur & Intrcon Sys PIU","Jafurah Gas Processing Trains PIU","Jafurah Pipelines, IT & Site Dev PIU","Jafurah Infra & 3rd Party Coord PIU","Wasit-Jafurah NGL Fractionation PIU","Jafurah Pipelines, & Downstream Fac PIU","NGL Recovery & Fract' Unit","Utilities, Flare & Piperack Unit","Site Prep, ISF, SSF Unit","Inlet Storage & Compression Unit","Downstream Pipeline Unit","Gas Treat, Sulfur Rec' & Han' Fac Unit","Unconventional Resources Projs Insp Unit"}), "UGIPID", ""), IF(OR(B:B={"SA Oil MP Projs Inspection Unit","NA Oil MP Projs Inspection Unit","Gas MP Projs Inspection Unit","Marjan Offshore Gas Facilities Unit","Marjan GOSP-4 Unit","Marjan Offshore Oil Facilities Unit","Marjan Onshore Oil Facilities Unit","Zuluf Onshore Facilities Proj Insp Unit","Zuluf Offshore Facilities Proj Insp Unit","Infras, Pipeline & Comm Proj Insp Unit","North Ghawar Oil Facilities Unit","NA Oil Facilities","South Ghawar Oil Facilities Unit","Berri Increment Processing Fac Unit","Berri Onshore Facilities Unit","Fabyards ProJ Insp Unit","Installation Projects Insp Unit","Onshore Proj Insp Unit"}), "UOPID", ""). You can write formula like this and it works: but it becomes too complex and unclear if there are more IFs. It should be simple, really. For example, =IF(A1<21,"Child",IF(AND(A1>=21,A1<=25),"Over-aged","Terminated")), I have another question though, is there a way to like filter the answer on cell C based on cell B. 76, Column C: Months Column D: Monthly Commission What is the problem with increasing to 480? I want to know if the numeric value in the cell is equal to 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 numeric characters. Try this formula: =IFS(INT(B8/12)=1,INT(B8/12)&"st", INT(B8/12)=2,INT(B8/12)&"nd", INT(B8/12)=3,INT(B8/12)&"rd", INT(B8/12)>3,I NT(B8/12)&"th"). Just like the AND function, the OR function in DAX will only take 2 conditions. Print - IMAGE (Half page) Letter Colored 12.00 You can use these conditions in an IF formula to get the message you want instead of TRUE or FALSE. This table contains 3 columns, Record 1, Record 2 and Record 3. You are always prompt and helpful. Hi Jwalker, Lets add a little more logic to this. As there are only 2 conditions we can use the OR function as shown in the image. XXS A Excellent choice with lots of very useful and time saving tools, I was looking for the best suite for my work to be done, AbleBits is a dream come true for data analysis and reporting, There is not a single day that I dont use your application, I can't tell you how happy I am with Ablebits. THAN 1. 56 Print - IMAGE (Full page) A4 Colored 15.00 Which brings me to my next point. If the condition is met, calculate the age using the DATEDIF function. And shorten your code. it's working but the other way around. 1 2 3 4 Select Index and Unpivot Other columns. A Boolean value. the parsing put both tables above together. Thank you. Checks a condition, and returns one value when TRUE, otherwise it returns a second value. Hi Marty, By placing them in the logical tests of three nested IF statements, you can identify all different data types in one go: =IF(ISTEXT(A2), "Text", IF(ISNUMBER(A2), "Number", IF(ISBLANK(A2), "Blank", ""))). XYZ1000 CA100 10 XYZ1000 CA100 10 Please see table. The following example shows how to use the OR function to obtain the sales people that belong to the Circle of Excellence. Unfortunately, there is no IFS in DAX. If I was only ever trying to determine if only 9 characters then that formula works fine. Returns a number shifted right by the specified number of bits. Combine IF & AVERAGE Functions with 3 Conditions in Excel. The IN function is another logical function. Maybe this article will be helpful: Nested IF in Excel formula with multiple conditions. In this tutorial, we will focus on using IF-and-OR formula in Excel. If cell D7 matches a cell in a list L2:L500 (and it matches L5) then insert in cell E7 cell K5. You would expect, following the pattern of other DAX expression the syntax for in to be something like, When using IN we start with the Expression or Scalar and then using IN {we list the paramaters}, Lets look at an example. } 391203 Yes No Expression: any DAX expression to be evaluated that returns a single scalar value (number, string, or date), where the expression is to be evaluated multiple times (for each row/context). Hi! First way with minimum one. The following tutorial should help: Excel FILTER function - dynamic filtering with formulas. =IF(OR(G10 > 159,H10 > 99),"2",IF(OR(G10 > 139,H10 > 89),"1",IF(OR(G10 > 119,H10 > 79)"PRE",IF(G10 < 120,"NORM")))). The formula works for just Grapefruit but when I add in the Or and Recorder it doesn't. Hi, I actually changed the references to make it simpler to look at. Last Review date = 1st review date + 6 Months I think that both the IF function and the IFS function may help you with your task. For example, if A is -1.50, then A=0. Sorry, I cannot understand your formula, =IF(AND(A2="VISHAL", B2="HP", C2=610), "6", "10"), IF(AND(A2="VISHAL", B2="HP", C2=2310), "15", "20"). =If(Or(Is number(Search("Grapefruit"'D14,(Is number(Search("Recorder",D14),0,F14-E14)), Can I not make cell to cell comparison with if/or? Such behavior is a bit unusual since in most of programming languages, subsequent conditions are not tested if any of the previous tests has returned FALSE. Hi! There is no specific limit to the number of OR conditions embedded into an IF formula as long as it is in compliance with the general limitations of Excel: As an example, let's check columns A, B and C for blank cells, and return "Incomplete" if at least one of the 3 cells is blank. expression. The formula below will do the trick for you: I'm trying to use IF to show "ok" or "out of balance" if a value is over or under by more than 5%. The above formula seems to work for me. You can also find useful information in this article: IF AND in Excel: nested formula, multiple statements, and more.
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